Why a foeder?
Adding a foeder to your facility not only adds a beautiful showpiece but it allows you to expand, simplify and diversify your product range. Our foeders allow better quality control compared to other options, due to the miniscule oxygen ingress.
Looking for financing? We recently partnered with Dimension Funding to provide flexibility to our customers check out more here
Foeder Cleaning and Care
There are several different methods to clean and/or sanitize your foeder (or barrel) between fills. Strong caustic solutions should be avoided as they will degrade the wood. Here are some methods our clients have used successfully:
- Steam generator: Hot water cycle with the sprayball, followed by heavy steam for at least 6 hours. Steam should be input through the sample port, and the dump valve kept open to drain condensate. Note for cone-bottom foeders: fill the cone with cold water prior to steaming. This will prevent the metal from expanding and breaking its seal with the staves.
- Citric acid: 3oz/bbl citric acid solution through the sprayball, followed by a cold water rinse.
- Alcohol: 1gal of bourbon or grain alcohol recirculated through sprayball, followed by a cold water rinse.
- Powdered oxygen bleach: Hot water cycle through sprayball, followed by solution of food safe bleach (such as Acto140) and a cold water rinse.
The impact and sustainability of our forests is important to us, and it is important to know the progress and actions that are currently in place to maintain the viability of our Forests and long-term impact.
Additonal Media: podcasts, articles, & videos
Here is some media that we’ve been featured on. Dig through and surely you’ll find some gems!
Looking for great beer?
Here is a map of some producers that use our foeders!